Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 157, Results of a monitoring survey and assessment of the conservation status of Hamatocaulis vernicosus in Ireland 2023 [12.6 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Hodd, R.L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 156, Results of a monitoring survey and assessment of the conservation status of Petalophyllum ralfsii in Ireland 2023 [13.6 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Hodd, R.L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 155, Results of a monitoring survey and assessment of the conservation status of Saxifraga hirculus (Marsh Saxifrage) 2023 [7.6 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Hodd, R.L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 154, The state of Calaminarian grassland in Ireland, 2023 [32.9 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Callaghan D.A. & Hodd, R.L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 153, Mapping, monitoring, and protecting ancient and long-established woodland in Ireland [7.1 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Devaney, J., Shaw, H., Leniston, T., Mitchell, F.J.G., Darcy, E. & Roche, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 152, Reef Habitat in Irish Offshore Waters – A Synthesis of Current Knowledge [4.7 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Forde, J., Alcock, L. & Grehan, A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 151, Status and Distribution of Chough in Ireland: Results of the National Survey 2021 [6.2 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Colhoun, K., Rooney, E., Collins, J., Keogh, N.P., Lauder, A, Heardman, C. & Cummins, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 150, Reef Habitat in Irish Intertidal and Near-shore Waters [3.4 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | West, V., Maher, E. & Alexander, D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 149, Assessing genetic variation and taxonomic integrity of selected bryophyte taxa in Ireland [5.8 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Hodgetts, N.G., Kelleher, C.T., Campbell, C., Ó Marcaigh, F., Hedenäs, L. & Lockhart, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 148, Bryaceae Survey 2023 [40.4 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Holyoak, D.T. & Campbell, C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 147, The 2022 National Survey of breeding Hen Harrier in Ireland [3.9 MB] |
Year: | 2024 |
Author: | Ruddock, M., Wilson-Parr, R., Lusby, J., Connolly, F., J. Bailey, & O’Toole, L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 116, Checklists of Protected and Threatened Species in Ireland, Version 3.1 1 February 2023 [77 KB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | Brian Nelson, Sinéad Cummins, Loraine Fay, Rebecca Jeffrey, Seán Kelly, Naomi Kingston, Neil Lockhart, Ferdia Marnell, David Tierney and Mike Wyse Jackson |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 146, The Monitoring and Assessment of four EU Habitats Directive Annex I Woodland Habitats [5.5 MB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | Daly, O.H., O’Neill, F.H., & Barron, S.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 144, Floodplain and Callows Grasslands in Ireland: Appendix 3 Supporting Information [12.4 MB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | Martin, J.R., O’Neill, F.H. & Daly, O.H. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 144, Floodplain and Callows Grasslands in Ireland [3.6 MB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | Martin, J.R., O’Neill, F.H. & Daly, O.H. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 143, Scoping Study and Pilot Survey of Fens: Appendices [5.2 MB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | O’Neill, F.H., Perrin, P.M., Denyer, J., Martin, J.R., Brophy, J.T. & Daly, O.H. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 143, Scoping Study and Pilot Survey of Fens [2.5 MB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | O’Neill, F.H., Perrin, P.M., Denyer, J., Martin, J.R., Brophy, J.T. & Daly, O.H. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 142, Guidelines for the Assessment of Annex I Priority Petrifying Springs in Ireland [6.6 MB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | Denyer, J., Eakin, M., & Gill, M. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual 145, Survival, movements, home ranges and dispersal of hares after coursing and/or translocation [2.4 MB] |
Year: | 2023 |
Author: | Reid, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 139, Survey of Breeding Merlin in the Special Protection Area Network 2018 [3.3 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Lusby, J., O’Brien, I., Lauder, A., Wilson-Parr, R., Breen, D., Cummins, S. & Tierney, D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 138, Status and Distribution of Breeding Eurasian Curlew in Ireland 2021 [2.7 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Colhoun, K., Flannelly, F., O’Neill, J., Phelan, E., Servignat, H., O’Donoghue, B. & Kelly, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 137, Irish Bat Monitoring Programme 2018-2021 [6.6 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Aughney, T., Roche, N. & Langton, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 136, The Status of Breeding Common Scoter in Ireland, 2020 [3.3 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Heffernan ML. & Hunt, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 135, Agricultural atmospheric ammonia: identification & assessment of potential impacts [2.9 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Kelleghan, D.B., Fogarty, M., Welchman, S., Cummins, T., & Curran, T.P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 134, Bat mitigation guidelines for Ireland – version 2 [3.6 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Marnell, F., Kelleher, C. & Mullen, E. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 133 Monitoring and Assessment of Killarney Fern (Vandenboschia speciosa (Willd.) Kunkel) in Ireland, 2015–2018 [3.7 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Ní Dhúill, E., O’Neill, F.H. & Hodd, R.L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 130 Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) for Calaminarian Grassland: Selection Criteria [5.5 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Lockhart, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 141, Monitoring of vegetation change through permanent woodland plots in Killarney National Park: A 30-year review [5.7 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Hamilton, J.J., Mitchell, F.J.G. & Kelly, D.L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals 140, Pioneering Precision Livestock Management (Virtual Fencing) in Ireland [3.1 MB] |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | O’Donoghue, B.G. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 132 A study of lakes with Slender Naiad (Najas flexilis) – Appendix V Site Reports [22.3 MB] |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | Roden, C., Murphy, P. & Ryan, J.B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 132 A study of lakes with Slender Naiad (Najas flexilis) [9.2 MB] |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | Roden, C., Murphy, P. & Ryan, J.B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 131 White-clawed Crayfish survey in SACs 2017 [3.5 MB] |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | M., McFarlane, A., Brady, D., O’Brien, J., Mirimin, L., Graham, C., Lally, H., Minto, C. & O’Connor, I. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 116, Checklists Protected and Threatened Species 2019 [1.9 MB] |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | Nelson, B., Cummins, S., Fay, L., Jeffrey, R., Kelly, S., Kingston, N., Lockhart, N., Marnell, F., Tierney, D. and Wyse Jackson, M. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 129, Identification of breeding waterbird hotspots in Ireland [1.8 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Lauder, A. & Lauder, C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 128, The habitats of cutover raised bog [5.6 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Smith, G.F. & Crowley, W. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 127, Important Invertebrate Area Surveys: Ballyogan and Slieve Carran, Co. Clare [4.5 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Mantell, A. & Anderson, R. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 126, Recording and Addressing Persecution and Threats to Our Raptors (RAPTOR): a review of incidents 2007–2019 [9.4 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | O’Donoghue, B.G., Casey, M.J., Malone, E., Carey, J.G.J, Clarke, D. & Conroy, K. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 125, Marl Lake (Habitat 3140) Survey and Assessment Methods Manual [3.6 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Roden, C., Murphy, P., Ryan, J. & Doddy, P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 124, Benthic vegetation in Irish marl lakes: monitoring habitat 3140 condition 2011 to 2018 – APPENDIX III, Site Reports [6.0 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Roden, C., Murphy, P. & Ryan, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 124, Benthic vegetation in Irish marl lakes: monitoring habitat 3140 condition 2011 to 2018 [3.2 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Roden, C., Murphy, P. & Ryan, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 123, Checklist and country status of European bryophytes – update 2020 [2.4 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Hodgetts, N. & Lockhart, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 122, Monitoring Populations of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, Stage 3 and Stage 4 Survey [1.6 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Moorkens, E.A. & Killeen, I.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 120, A survey of breeding Golden Plover within the Owenduff/Nephin Complex SPA, County Mayo [3.9 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Dave Suddaby & Cathal O’Brien |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 119, A survey of breeding waders on machair and other coastal grasslands in Counties Mayo and Galway [2.0 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Suddaby, D., O’Brien, I., Breen, D. & Kelly, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 117, Monitoring of the Annex V Clubmoss group (Lycopodium spp.) in Ireland 2015‐2018 [2.0 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | O’Neill, F.H., Long, M.P. & Hodd, R.L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual 121, All-Ireland Squirrel and Pine Marten Survey 2019 [3.1 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Lawton C., Hanniffy, R., Molloy, V., Guilfoyle, C., Stinson, M. & Reilly, E. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 118, The monitoring and assessment of six EU Habitats Directive Annex I Marine Habitats [2.2 MB] |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Scally, L., Pfeiffer, N. and Hewitt, E. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 115, Countryside Bird Survey: Status and Trends of Common and Widespread Breeding Birds 1998-2016 [3.2 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Lewis, L. J., Coombes, D., Burke, B., O’Halloran, J., Walsh, A., Tierney, T. D. & Cummins, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 114, The Status of Ireland’s Breeding Seabirds: Birds Directive Article 12 Reporting 2013 – 2018 [4.6 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Cummins, S., Lauder, C., Lauder, A. & Tierney, T. D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 113, National Hare Survey & Population Assessment 2017-2019 [3.4 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | McGowan, N.E., McDermott, N., Stone, R., Lysaght, L., Dingerkus, S.K., Caravaggi, A., Kerr, I. & Reid, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 112, Results of a monitoring survey of the Annex II species Saxifraga hirculus (Marsh Saxifrage) in Ireland 2015–2018 [2.6 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | O’Neill, F.H., Hodd, R.L & Long, M.P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 111, Aerial thermal-imaging survey of seals in Ireland 2017 to 2018 [3.8 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | C.D. Morris & C.D. Duck |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 110, The monitoring and assessment of Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Slender Green feather-moss) in the Republic of Ireland 2015–2017 [2.2 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Campbell, C., Hodd, R. & O’Neill, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 109, The monitoring and assessment of Petalophyllum ralfsii (Petalwort) in the Republic of Ireland 2016–2018 [2.2 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Campbell, C., Hodd, R. & O’Neill, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 108, Saltmarsh Monitoring 2017 - 2018 [3.6 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Brophy, J.T., Perrin, P.M., Penk, M.R., Devaney, F.M. & Leyden, K.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 107, Natterjack Toad (Epidalea calamita) Monitoring and Conservation Status 2016-2018 [8.2 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Reyne, M., Aubry, A., Martin, Y., Helyar, S. Emmerson, M. & Reid, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 106, Irish Wetland Bird Survey 2009/10 – 2015/16 – Supplementary – Pressures and Threats [935 KB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Lewis, L. J.; Burke, B.; Fitzgerald, N.; Tierney, T. D.; Kelly, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 106, Irish Wetland Bird Survey 2009/10 – 2015/16 [12.3 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Lewis, L. J.; Burke, B.; Fitzgerald, N.; Tierney, T. D.; Kelly, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 105, Calaminarian Grassland Monitoring 2018 - Appendices [49.8 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Hodd, R.L. & Hodgetts, N.G. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 105, Calaminarian Grassland Monitoring 2018 [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Hodd, R.L. & Hodgetts, N.G. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 104, Vertigo Monitoring 2013 to 2017 Version 1.1 (main report, plus appendices I to III) [4.1 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Long, M.P. & Brophy, J.T. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 104, Vertigo Monitoring 2013 to 2017 Appendix VI [3.1 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Brophy, J.T & Long, M.P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 104, Vertigo Monitoring 2013 to 2017 Appendix V [2.7 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Brophy, J.T & Long, M.P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 104, Vertigo Monitoring 2013 to 2017 Appendix IV [3.2 MB] |
Year: | 2019 |
Author: | Brophy, J.T and Long, M.P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 103, The Irish Bat Monitoring Programme 2015-2017 [4.6 MB] |
Year: | 2018 |
Author: | Aughney, T., Roche, N. & Langton, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 102, The monitoring and assessment of three EU Habitats Directive Annex I grassland habitats [2.1 MB] |
Year: | 2018 |
Author: | Martin, J.R., O’Neill, F.H. & Daly, O.H. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 101, The Irish Juniper Monitoring Survey 2017 - Appendices [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2018 |
Author: | O’Neill, F.H. & Martin, J.R. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 101, The Irish Juniper Monitoring Survey 2017 [1.7 MB] |
Year: | 2018 |
Author: | O’Neill, F.H. & Martin, J.R. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 98, Survey and assessment of vegetated shingle and associated habitats at 30 coastal sites in Ireland [2.2 MB] |
Year: | 2017 |
Author: | Martin, J.R., Daly, O.H. and Devaney F.M. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 97, National Pine Marten Population Assessment [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2017 |
Author: | O'Mahony, D.T., Powell, C., Power, J., Hannify, R., Turner, P. and O’ Reilly, C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 96, An invertebrate survey of Scragh Bog, Co Westmeath [2.2 MB] |
Year: | 2017 |
Author: | Anderson, R., Mantell, A. & Nelson, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 100, Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) for Bryophytes: Selection Criteria [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2017 |
Author: | Campbell, C. & Lockhart, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No. 99, Best practice in raised bog restoration in Ireland [5.6 MB] |
Year: | 2017 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 95, National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Service Mapping Pilot for a Suite of Prioritised Services - Appendices [7.1 MB] |
Year: | 2016 |
Author: | Parker, N., Naumann, E-K., Medcalf, K., Haines-Young, R., Potschin, M., Kretsch, C., Parker, J. & Burkhard, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 95, National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Service Mapping Pilot for a Suite of Prioritised Services [9.2 MB] |
Year: | 2016 |
Author: | Parker, N., Naumann, E-K., Medcalf, K., Haines-Young, R., Potschin, M., Kretsch, C., Parker, J. & Burkhard, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 93, The 2015 National Survey of Breeding Hen Harrier in Ireland [10.1 MB] |
Year: | 2016 |
Author: | Ruddock, M., Mee, A., Lusby, J., Nagle, A., O’Neill, S. & O’Toole, L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 92, A guide to the identification of Irish mammal hair [2.1 MB] |
Year: | 2016 |
Author: | Cornally, A. and Lawton, C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No. 94, Monitoring Guidelines for the Assessment of Petrifying Springs in Ireland [9.2 MB] |
Year: | 2016 |
Author: | Lyons, M. D., Kelly, D. L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | No 89, Irish Squirrel Survey 2012 [1.3 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Lawton, C., Flaherty, M., Goldstein, E.A, Sheehy, E. and Carey, M. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Monitoring methods for the threatened Killarney Fern (Trichomanes speciosum Willd.) in Ireland [1.5 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Ní Dhúill, E.; Smyth, N.; Waldren, S.; Lynn, D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 91, Monitoring methods for Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs (Slender Green feather-moss) in the Republic of Ireland [11.5 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Campbell, C., Hodgetts, N. & Lockhart, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 90, Monitoring methods for Petalophyllum ralfsii (Wils.) Nees & Gottsche (Petalwort) in the Republic of Ireland [5.7 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Campbell, C., Hodgetts, N. & Lockhart, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 87, Revision of the bryophyte schedule for the Flora (Protection) Order, 2015 [1.1 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Hodgetts, N., Lockhart, N. & Campbell, C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 84, Checklist and country status of European bryophytes – towards a new Red List for Europe [4.7 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Hodgetts, N.G. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 83, Hen Harrier Special Protection Area (SPA) Habitat Mapping Project 2014 [919 KB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Moran, P., Wilson-Parr, R. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No. 86: Conservation assessment and monitoring methods for the Annex V Clubmoss group (Lycopodium spp.) in Ireland [12.7 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No. 81, Raised Bog Monitoring and Assessment Survey 2013 [2.9 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No 88, Monitoring recommendations for Marsh Saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus L.) in the Republic of Ireland [1.4 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | NPWS |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No 85, Lesser Horseshoe Bat Monitoring [1.0 MB] |
Year: | 2015 |
Author: | Roche, N., Aughney T. and Langton S.; NPWS |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 80, Low tide waterbird surveys: survey methods and guidance notes [879 KB] |
Year: | 2014 |
Author: | Lewis, L.J., Tierney, T.D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 79, Guidelines for a national survey and conservation assessment of upland vegetation and habitats in Ireland Version 2.0 [6.8 MB] |
Year: | 2014 |
Author: | Perrin, P.M., Barron, S.J., Roche, J.R., O’Hanrahan, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Guidelines for a national survey and conservation assessment of upland vegetation and habitats in Ireland [6.8 MB] |
Year: | 2014 |
Author: | Perrin, P.M., Barron, S.J., Roche, J.R. & O'Hanrahan, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The Irish Semi-natural Grasslands Survey 2007-2012 [10.1 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | O’Neill, F.H.; Martin, J.R.; Devaney, F.M.;Perrin, P.M. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | National Frog Survey of Ireland 2010/11 [1.4 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | N.Reid, S.K.Dingerkus, R.E.Stone, S.Pietravalle, R.Kelly, J.Buckley, T.J.C.Beebee, J.W.Wilkinson |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | IWM no.66 - common scoter [5.2 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Hunt,J.; Heffernan,M.L.; McLoughlin,D.; Benson,C.; Huxley,C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Willdlife Manual No. 77: A Survey of Red Grouse [3.4 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Murray, T.; Clotworthy, C.; Bleasdale, A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Maunals No. 75, Monitoring survey of Annex I sand dune habitats in Ireland [3.5 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Delaney, A., Devaney, F.M., Martin, J.R., Barron, S.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 76, National Otter Survey of Ireland 2010/12 [2.0 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Reid, N., Hayden, B., Lundy, M.G., Pietravalle, S., McDonald, R.A., Montgomery, W.I. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 74, Monitoring of the breeding population of grey seals in Ireland, 2009 - 2012 [5.1 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Ó Cadhla O.; Keena, T.; Strong, D., Duck, C., Hiby, L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No.73 - National survey of limestone pavement and associated habitats in Ireland [9.6 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Wilson,S. & Fernández,F |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No.72 - Results of a monitoring survey of yew wood [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Cross,J.; Lynn,D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No.71 - Results of a monitoring survey of old sessile oak woods and alluvial forests [1.8 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | O'Neill,F.H.; Barron,S.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No.70 - A survey of benthic macrophytes in three hard-water lakes: Lough Bunny, Lough Carra and Lough Owel [10.8 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Roden,C.; Murphy,P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual no.69: Results of a monitoring survey of bog woodland [5.4 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Cross,J.; Lynn,D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No.68 - Species dossier, range and distribution data for the Hairy Wood Ant, Formica lugubris, in Ireland (1,439KB) [1.4 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Breen,J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No.67 - Natterjack Toad [10.4 MB] |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Sweeney,P.; Sweeney,N.; Hurley,C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The conservation status of juniper formations in Ireland [7.1 MB] |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Cooper, F., Stone, R.E., McEvoy, P., Wilkins, T., Reid, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The beetles of decaying wood in Ireland - A provisional annotated checklist of saproxylic Coleoptera [9.2 MB] |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Alexander, K.N.A., Anderson, R. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Raised Bog Monitoring Project 2011 Volume 1: Main Report [1.4 MB] |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Fernandez, F., Crowley, W., Wilson, S. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | IWM 59 - Republic of Ireland Hen Harrier Survey 2010 [3.1 MB] |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Ruddock, M.; Dunlop, B.J.; O’Toole, L.; Mee, A.; Nagle, T. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish Wildlife Manual No. 60: Car-based bat monitoring in Ireland 2003-2011 [2.3 MB] |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Roche, N., Langton, S., Aughney T. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | An assessment of the use of conifer plantations by the Kerry Slug (Geomalacus maculosus) with reference to the potential impacts of forestry operations [4.1 MB] |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Reich, I., O’Meara, K., Mc Donnell, R.J., Gormally, M.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | All Ireland Daubenton’s Bat Waterway Monitoring Scheme 2006-2011 [2.5 MB] |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Aughney, T., Langton, S., Roche, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Red Squirrel Translocation in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 51 [5.5 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | Waters, C.; Lawton, C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | National survey and assessment of the conservation status of Irish sea cliffs [4.2 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | Barron, S.J.; Delaney, A.; Perrin, P.M.; Martin, J.R.; O’Neill, F.H. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Monitoring and Condition Assessment of Populations of Vertigo geyeri, Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana in Ireland [3.3 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | Moorkens, E.A.; Killeen, I.J |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Management prescriptions for twite in Ireland [5.1 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | McLoughlin, D.T. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Distribution and population dynamics of the Kerry Slug, Geomalacus maculosus (Arionidae) [4.7 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | Mc Donnell, R.J.; Gormally, M.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Brown long?eared bat roost monitoring scheme for the Republic of Ireland: synthesis report 2007?2010 [1.4 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | Aughney, T.; Langton, S.; Roche, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | An invertebrate survey of Coill Eoin, St John’s Wood, Co Roscommon [3.2 MB] |
Year: | 2011 |
Author: | Alexander, K. N. A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The status of Red Grouse in Ireland and the effects of land use, habitat and habitat quality on their distribution. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 50 [10.7 MB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Cummins, S.; Bleasdale, A.; Douglas, C.; Newton, S.; O'Halloran, J.; Wilson, H.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The National Vegetation Database: Guidelines and Standards for the Collection and Storage of Vegetation Data in Ireland. Version 1.0 irish Wildlife Manuals No. 49 [1.5 MB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Weekes, L.C.; Fitzpatrick, Ú. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The effects of blanket bog management on ground beetles (Carabidae) with particular reference to the threatened Carabus clatratus L. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 47 [3.3 MB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Williams, C.D.; Gormally, M.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Resurvey of breeding wader populations of machair and associated wetlands in no [10.2 MB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Suddaby, D.; Nelson, T.; Veldman, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Guidelines for a national survey and conservation assessment of upland vegetation and habitats in Ireland. Version 1.0 Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 48 [1.8 MB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Perrin, P.M.; Barron, S.J.; Roche, J.R.; O'Hanrahan, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Guidelines for a national survey and conservation assessment of upland vegetati [690 KB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Perrin, P.M.; Barron, S.J.; Roche, J.R.; O'Hanrahan, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A technical manual for monitoring white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in Irish Lakes. Irish Wildlife Manuals No. 45 [3.0 MB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Reynolds, J.D.; O'Connor, W.; O'Keeffe, C.; Lynn, D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A provisional inventory of ancient and long-established woodland in Ireland [10.2 MB] |
Year: | 2010 |
Author: | Perrin, P.M.; Daly, O. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The development of methodologies to assess the conservation status of limestone [2.3 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Murphy, S.; Fernandez Valverde, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The car-based bat monitoring scheme for Ireland: synthesis report 2003-2008 [1.4 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Roche, N.; Langton, S.; Aughney, T. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Monitoring of white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in Irish lakes in [5.6 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | O'Connor, W.; Hayes, G.; O'Keeffe, C.; Lynn, D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Irish biodiversity: a taxonomic inventory of fauna [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Ferriss, S. E.; Smith, K. G.; Inskipp, T. P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Database of association with habitat and environmental variables for non-shelle [2.5 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Moorkens, E.; Killeen, I. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | All Ireland Daubenton's bat waterway monitoring scheme 2006 - 2008 [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Aughney, T.; Langton, S.; Roche, N. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A review of mink predation and control in Ireland [3.7 MB] |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Roy, S.; Reid, N.; McDonald, R.A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Rhododendron ponticum: A guide to management on nature conservation sites. [4.5 MB] |
Year: | 2008 |
Author: | Higgins, G.T. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Database of Irish Syrphidae (Diptera) [6.6 MB] |
Year: | 2008 |
Author: | Speight, M. C. D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Database of Irish Lepidoptera. 1 - Macrohabitats, microsites and traits of Noct [3.9 MB] |
Year: | 2008 |
Author: | Bond, K.G.M.; Gittings, T. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | An assessment of the breeding population of grey seals in the Republic of Irela [2.6 MB] |
Year: | 2008 |
Author: | O Cadhla, O.; Strong, D.; O'Keeffe, C.; Coleman, M.; Cronin, M.; Duck, C.; Murray, T.; Dower, P.; Nairn, R.; Murphy, P.; Smiddy, P.; Saich, C.; Lyons, D.; Hiby, L. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Status of hares in Ireland. [1.8 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Reid, N.; Dingerkus, K.; Montgomery, W.I.; Marnell, F.; Jeffrey, R.; Lynn, D.; Kingston, N.; McDonald, R.A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Monitoring the conservation status of natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in Irelan [3.4 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Becart, E.; Aubry, A.; Emmerson, M. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Management considerations for subtidal Zostera marina beds in Ireland. [2.0 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Dale, A. L.; McAllen, R.; Whelan, P. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Leatherback Sea Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in Irish waters. [10.0 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Doyle, T. K |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | IWM30 - Status of hares in Ireland - Hare Survey of Ireland 2006/07 [1.8 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Reid, N., Dingerkus, K., Montgomery, W.I., Marnell, F., Jeffrey, R., Lynn, D., Kingston, N. & McDonald, R.A. (2007) Status of hares in Ireland. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 30. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Lo |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Investigations into the impact of fyke nets on otter populations in Ireland. [1.4 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Poole, W.R.; Rogan, G.; Mullen, A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Benthic surveys of sandbanks in the Irish Sea. [3.3 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Roche, C.; Lyons, D.O.; O'Connor, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Benthic surveys of sandbanks in the Irish Sea Irish Wildlife. Irish Wildlife Manual No. 29 [3.3 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Roche, C.; Lyons, D.O.; Farinas Franco, J.; O’Connor, B. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A Survey of Juvenile Lamprey Populations in the Corrib and Suir Catchments. [1.1 MB] |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | O'Connor, W. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The distribution of Lamprey in the River Barrow SAC. [665 KB] |
Year: | 2006 |
Author: | King, J.J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Otter Survey of Ireland 2004/2005 [3.0 MB] |
Year: | 2006 |
Author: | Bailey, M.; Rochford, J. . |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Bat mitigation guidelines for Ireland. [9.5 MB] |
Year: | 2006 |
Author: | Kelleher, C.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A conservation plan for Irish vesper bats. [605 KB] |
Year: | 2006 |
Author: | McAney, K. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A baseline survey of juvenile lamprey populations in the River Feale catchment. [1,006 KB] |
Year: | 2006 |
Author: | O'Connor, W. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A baseline survey of juvenile lamprey populations in the Boyne catchment. [1.1 MB] |
Year: | 2006 |
Author: | O'Connor, W. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The Role of Kelp in the Marine Environment. [876 KB] |
Year: | 2005 |
Author: | Kelly, E. (Ed.) |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Inventory of Irish marine wildlife publications [1.5 MB] |
Year: | 2005 |
Author: | Roche, C.; Clarke, S.; O'Connor, B.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Development of a car-based bat monitoring protocol for the Republic of Ireland. [631 KB] |
Year: | 2005 |
Author: | Roche, N.; Catto, C.; Langton, S.; Aughney, T.; Russ, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A survey of the molluscan fauna of a mixed farm in South County Cork, 2004. [1.2 MB] |
Year: | 2005 |
Author: | Moorkens, E.A.; Killeen, I. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The status and distribution of lamprey and shad in the Slaney and Munster Black [1.1 MB] |
Year: | 2004 |
Author: | King, J.J.; Linnane, S.M.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Summary of National Parks & Wildlife Service surveys for common (harbour) seals [788 KB] |
Year: | 2004 |
Author: | Lyons, D.O. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Margaritifera margaritifera Stage 1 and Stage 2 survey guidelines [503 KB] |
Year: | 2004 |
Author: | Anonymous; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Harbour seal population assessment in the Republic of Ireland: August 2003 [2.6 MB] |
Year: | 2004 |
Author: | Cronin, M.; Duck, C.; O Cadhla, O.; Nairn, R.; Strong, D.; O'Keeffe, C. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A survey of juvenile lamprey populations in the Moy catchment [2.9 MB] |
Year: | 2004 |
Author: | O'Connor, W.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The Natterjack Toad Bufo calamita in Ireland: current status and conservation r [493 KB] |
Year: | 2002 |
Author: | Beebee, T.J.C.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Conservation management of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritif [1.9 MB] |
Year: | 2000 |
Author: | Moorkens, E.A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Conservation management of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritif [1.0 MB] |
Year: | 1999 |
Author: | Moorkens, E.A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Changes away from the traditional use of the Curragh of Kildare since 1922 [8.8 MB] |
Year: | 1999 |
Author: | Costello, C.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | A review of the ecological implications of mariculture and intertidal harvestin [528 KB] |
Year: | 1999 |
Author: | Heffernan, M.L.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | The potential role of ecological corridors for habitat conservation in Ireland: [753 KB] |
Year: | 1998 |
Author: | Good, J.A. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Conservation Management of the White-clawed Crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes [2.0 MB] |
Year: | 1998 |
Author: | Reynolds, J.D. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Biomar Survey of Irish Machair Sites, 1996. Vol. 2: Plant Communities [23.7 MB] |
Year: | 1998 |
Author: | Crawford, I.; Bleasedale, A.; Conaghan, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | Biomar Survey of Irish Machair Sites, 1996. Vol. 1: Site Information [20.6 MB] |
Year: | 1998 |
Author: | Crawford, I.; Bleasedale, A.; Conaghan, J. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |

Title: | An outline of the biology, distribution and conservation of Lampreys in Ireland [2.4 MB] |
Year: | 1998 |
Author: | Kurz, I.; Costello, M.J.; Marnell, F. |
Series: | Irish Wildlife Manual |