INTERREG VA Call for Applications Info and Material

The INTERREG VA Programme is making a call for applications for projects. Objective 2.1 of the Programme is to promote cross-border co-operation to facilitate the recovery of selected protected habitats and priority species. The total value of call is €11 million.The call will be published shortly on the website of the Special EU Programmes Body.

The Closing Date for applications is expected to be 08 January 2016.

Please find below information and mapping on eligible sites in Ireland:

1. Sites Information

Ireland List of Sites


2. Supporting Information

Commonage Material

Machair Wader Data for Border Region Sites 2009-2014

Additional Resources for Applicants


3. Thematic Habitats and SPP

Habitats of EU concern linked to terrestial wetlands habitats

Map of Sites by Feature of Interest 

Map of Sites by Feature of Interest (GIS-ESRI Shapefiles)

INTERREG Ireland sites with Art 17 & Art 12 data