
RAPTOR report for 2016 published

Date Released: Thursday, November 9, 2017

The 2016 report of the RAPTOR (Recording and Addressing Persecution and Threats to Our Raptors) protocol is now available. The RAPTOR protocol is a cooperarative approach between the NPWS, regional veterinary laboratories, and state laboratories, to systematically determine the extent to which poisoning and persecution are threats to Ireland's native birds of prey. It involves the following research institutions:

  • Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage – National Parks and Wildlife Service
  • Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine – Regional Veterinary Laboratories
  • Department of Public Expenditure and Reform – State Laboratory

Project investigators are Dr. Barry O'Donoghue, Micheál Casey, and Edward Malone. The project is undertaken at sites across Ireland.

Read more on the RAPTOR protocol or download the report.