
Public Consultation on the Wild Birds Declarations

Date Released: Monday, January 16, 2023

The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is seeking views from the public in relation to the control of certain protected wild bird species under the Wild Bird Declarations.

The General Declarations allow for the control of certain protected wild bird species where these species are causing serious damage to crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry, flora and fauna or where they represent a threat to public health and safety, throughout the State. The Air Safety Declaration allows for the control of certain species in the interests of air safety.

The current Declarations are due to expire on 30 April 2023.

Interested individuals, groups or organisations can share their views on the Declarations by completing the online survey available on the Government of Ireland website.

If you wish to complete the online survey; you should do so by 17:00 on Friday 24 February 2023.