
LIFE Applications where National Parks and Wildlife Service input is required or requested

Date Released: Tuesday, July 1, 2014

One of the main issues with NPWS processing LIFE queries, requests for inputs and participation at the various levels outlined below is that often such requests are submitted very late in the LIFE application development process. As a result there is rarely sufficient time given to adequately deal with them. This has resource implications for NPWS but may also have a negative impact on the proposed LIFE application.  

To deal with this issue, NPWS has now developed a centralised NPWS LIFE Clearing House for co-ordinating all NPWS input into LIFE applications/proposals. The Clearing House should be the main point of contact with NPWS in relation to the development of LIFE applications where NPWS input is required (such as for consent to undertake restricted activities) or where NPWS involvement in the process is requested (such as requests for technical input, proposals for NPWS to be a project partner etc.). The Clearing House can be contacted at and the subject line of any email should reference “LIFE”. 

Additionally, appropriate deadlines for establishing contact with the NPWS LIFE Clearing House have now been put in place depending on the levels of engagement foreseen. These deadlines are outlined below. In the event that these deadlines are not adhered to and contact is made at an advance stage of the process, NPWS will not be in a position to provide the input sought. 

  • Associated beneficiary (Time frame for appropriate contact by applicant with NPWS – 6 months in advance of Submission Deadline)
    • Where NPWS is expected to contribute financially (even where there is more than one associated beneficiary for the project; and/or
    • Where NPWS is expected to be responsible for carrying out at least some of the project actions
  • Co-financier (Time frame for appropriate contact by applicant with NPWS– 6 months in advance of Submission Deadline)
    • Where NPWS is expected to contribute financially
    • But is not expected to be directly involved in technical implementation
  • Competent authority (Time frame for appropriate contact by applicant with NPWS– 3  months in advance of Submission Deadline with a significantly developed application only)
    • NPWS provides a letter of support with the application, as relevant, and/or recommends the project to the Department of Environment Community and Local Government, the national LIFE authority
    • This would include projects where NPWS may be required to give necessary consents for actions undertaken during the implementation of a project
  • Advisory (Time frame for appropriate contact by applicant with NPWS – 3 months in advance of Submission Deadline)
    • Informal contact between project proposers and NPWS staff when projects are being conceived
    • Expert advice sought from NPWS at project application and/or implementation phases